Look what just came off the frame!
Irene's wonderful Quilt of Valor coming off the frame...FINALLY! |
We've had this QOV quilt top for far longer than we should have. Been trying to get all caught up now that Miss Betty is actually fixed and back to quilting after
5+ months of struggling to get her back on the quilting track.
Getting started:
Miss Betty w/Pug getting ready to quilt |
Feather and Star quilting |
We chose to try a Brand-NEW pantograph -
Starstruck We first saw this panto over at
KatyQuilts blog and knew we just had to give this gorgeous
Star Feather panto a try, AND we knew we had the perfect
Quilt of Valor for it:
StarStruck panto really shines on this gorgeous Quilt of Valor! |
Irene's unique Quilt of Valor w/StarStruck panto quilting |
This really neat QOV of Irene's fulfills our commitment to Clairellen and those Quirky Quilters in Michigan and sadly, will be the last Quilt of Valor Miss Betty and I quilt for them, at least for now ;-). We've so enjoyed quilting their stunning QOVs - each one has been even more beautiful than the previous one. Thank You for the honor and privilege of quilting each one of your Quilts of Valor. It's been a true pleasure!
And now - it's time to prepare Irene's Quilt of Valor for shipping back to her...