Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Clue #9 of Old Town Mystery - Building those MULTIPLE Units ;-)

 Yep, there are MORE than a few parts to Clue #9, in fact I was joking w/one of my Quilty friends that Clue #9 of Old Town Mystery could actually be FIVE (5) Clues ALL rolled up into ONE!  No Worries - we'll take it one piece at a time...kinda like eating an elephant...right?

After reading through ALL the instructions a couple of times, decided to construct ALL the sashings for BOTH Versions - Classic Bonnie & Patriotic, FIRST.  I knew IF I didn't, I'd start putting blocks together and once complete, I'd take another look at those sashing instructions and put EVERYTHING away for 'another day'...which would not come for several YEARS, lol!

I must admit - once assembled CORRECTLY, these sashings are GORGEOUS, aren't they?

Sashings - Classic Bonnie version

Sashings - Patriotic version

Once the sashings were complete and I celebrated w/coffee and chocolate, it was time to move on to the Flying Geese units - these were a Piece 'O Cake after those UNFORGETTABLE Sashings...Bonus!

Flying Geese units - Classic Bonnie

Flying Geese Units - Patriotic

...and Finally - those cute lil corner units - again Easy/Peasy 'after' the other parts of this Clue!

Corner Units - Classic

Corner Units - Patriotic

A few pics of assembly:

Snowballing the corners of Sashing unit

Chain piecing HSTs for corner units - my differential feed came in handy
for this unit and especially for assembling the sashings and corner units

Probly would've been done 'building' these units a day or so sooner BUT, we had a snowstorm show up right when I was trying to cut/piece...darn it!  Had to do some scooping in between cutting/piecing/pressing/pruning:

6"+ of that White Stuff!

Snow pile - freshly scooped

The first day got to scoop the sidewalks & driveway.  The second day was the deck and 37 steps to quilting's time for coffee and chocolate...again ;-).


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Ringing in the NEW Year w/Clue #8 of Old Town Mystery!

 What a way to start off a Brand-NEW Year, than w/sewing ALL day on a Mystery Clue...Clue #8 of our Old Town Mystery!

Clue #8 of Old Town Mystery = Classic Bonnie version ;-)

Those following along will remember that I've chosen to not only go ALL scrappy w/my version of Old Town Mystery BUT, I've opted to 'also' do a Patriotic version by swapping out the Corals for GOLDS and the Aquas for Sapphire Blue!

LOTS of wings to assemble!

Wings for BOTH Clue #8's

Chain piecing is the ONLY way to assemble ALL these wings:

Chain piecing the 'second' set of wings

Once I got into the 'groove' of chain piecing these wings, things went fairly quickly.  I assembled the geese for BOTH clues on one side of each goose triangle, pressed and assemble the second wing, then gave EVERYTHING a final press/pruning:

Clue #8 = BOTH versions for Old Town Mystery

After those were complete, decided to finish quilting up some of my potato chip pot holders - these are such FUN to create...can't make just one!

Potato chip pot holder getting quilted
(I use 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" logs for these - SCRAPPY!)

Hope 2025 is a Wonderful Year for Us ALL - Happy New Year, Everyone!

Time to bind those pot holders...

